Go to the Orders page, and once you click the 'Start New Order' button, you can begin exploring products and adding them to your basket.
Click on the favourite icon next to the name of the product you want to add to your favourites, and now you can see the product in the 'My Favourites' section on the Accounts page.
You can access your order from the 'Previous Orders' section on the Orders page and view the order details on the 'Order Details' page you are directed to.
From the Orders page, you can enter the specific order you want to reorder from your Previous Orders and click the 'Reorder' button.
When you click the 'Notify Me' button below the desired product that is out of stock, we will send you a notification once the product is back in stock.
By going to the Account page and clicking on the 'Report a Problem' option, you can inform us about any technical problems you have experienced within the application. Once you report it, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We will initiate the deletion process within 15 days of confirming your request.